Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 10 2008

That is when I love you most
early A. M. drives on expressways
coffee and cigarettes
the bright sun over our left shoulder

windows down
fast breeze

There is no more linger 
about us
no more intense "stay with me"
no more late night swims
no more house to ourselves
no more family gatherings

I want to empty our change purse
and count what is left
for us.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Natural History


i was too scared to walk
into that room
the scale model of the womb
red lights
heart beat
umbilical cord
The origin of every notion of comfort

i went halfway around the world
to wander through museums
pretending that i came looking for
great masters of art
hearing instead
school groups
running and yelling
nearly knocking over the collected centuries 
not understanding
"Please Do  Not Touch"

i went looking 
and found grown-up
ideas of "Please Do Not Touch"
grown-up feelings of guilt

i went looking for me
instead i found you



you sit google-eyed 
on a bench
wanting only to tell the black woman 
who just got off the train 
that you like her bag.
A tall, gray man once said 
"the heart never fits its wanting"
does yours?
you want for nothing

i want to be you
roaming the underworld
with a rolling suitcase and 
a bunch of grapes

no wants in my heart
five teeth in my mouth
500 voices in my head

a smile on my face